Are Your Words Limiting You?
You can memorize the lyrics of a song. So why not memorize a new way of speaking?
The lines you release out of your mouth need to be what you want to see happen.
Use the word CHOOSE instead of the word CAN'T.
Speak, "I choose". Because…
You Have A Dream For A Reason
If you have a dream is in your heart it’s there for a reason.
When we are given a desire and dream and it doesn’t go away, it is because someone needs you to achieve it.
When you have a dream in your heart, it was put there by God.
How Did We Meet Each Other?
How did we meet? Did I meet you at BYU Education Week? I'd love to meet you in person someday. If you're here let me know.
If you want to achieve your dreams, Education Week is a great place to learn new insights. You can check out my “My…
Expressing Gratitude
How a billionaire made it so big?
Well, she started by expressing her gratitude daily.
You can start expecting positive things in your life when you start giving gratitude for what you have now.
Your life will start to improve…
Your Words Are Powerful
What are you saying about your future?
What are you saying about your dreams? Your goals?
Even when you say it as a joke, or say something sarcastic it can harm you.
As crazy as it sounds John Lennon spoke about how he might…