Speak Life
Do you know what it means to
Speak life?
It means you are saying positive words out loud. It means you are speaking words of encouragement and hope out of your mouth.
It means you are using your lips in a powerful way.
Giving life…

Are your dreams dead?
Are your dreams dead?
Remember the story of Ezekiel 37?
God sent Ezekiel down in the middle of a valley of dead bones. Nothing was happening. It was a dead valley. There was no hope.
Well God is asking you the same thing He asked Ezekiel.…

Ezekiel 37
Do you know the song, "Dry bones, dry bones?"
...The thigh bone connected to your, back bone, the back bone connected to the shoulder bone... etc etc? Do you remember the song yet?
Well this song came about because of the story in Ezekiel…

Follow 3 Steps To Achieve Your Dreams
Your desire will be elevated to go after your dreams when you follow 3 steps.
1. Pray and listen - what does God want you to accomplish this year? What is He speaking to your heart about? Write them down.
2. Make a list of those ideas…