Positive Messages
Positive messages coming out of your mouth bless you. When you speak words that are encouraging, it is worth it.
It builds you up.
It keeps you motivated.
I promise it will help you to speak words that are positive.
David in the…

You can achieve it
God is everything. God is great.
Nothing you ask of Him is too big or too great.
If you believe me send me an email telling me so.
Let go of the doubts you have in your mind, so you can achieve the desires of your heart.
Eph 3:20…

Living Large
Have you ever heard the expression living large? Did you know that when we spend time recognizing the little moments in life that it can transform our lives? We can live large by appreciating the small things in our life. All around us we…

Repeat This Message
Repeat this message: "I am walking in the best season of my life."
Say this.
Believe this.
Receive this.
Pray with me for this to come to pass. Are you with me?
Positive messages are more important than you realize. Go to listen…

Performance in Newport Beach
Excited to see you in California this Friday, Saturday and Sunday August 3-6 for the Summer Conference in Newport Beach.
I use the daily journal to write down 5 things I am grateful for daily.
Have you written down your daily 5 yet?