How To Know Your Talent

Do you ever wonder if you have a talent? There is one way to know what your gift is, it’s when people say to you, “You’re super good at that.” This is your gift. What is your passion? This is another way to discover your…

Remind Yourself

When you feel inadequate remind yourself: You are a child of God You are loved by the King of Kings You are created in Gods image You are here for a purpose You are a gift As you do the exercises in the Daily Journal on…

Your Future is Ahead of You

The past is in the past. Your future is ahead of you, it is not behind you. Remember Lot’s wife? She looked back and became stuck. Are you like her sometimes? I know I am. When we continue to look at our past, we are not able…

What chapter are You on?

Have you been comparing your 1st chapter to someones final chapter? Listen to me right now. :) You have no idea what it took for that person to get where they are today. All that matters is your chapter. What chapter are you writing…