Do you think you deserve a better life?

Goals are important

Only 3% of graduating seniors had goals that are written down. There was a survey done that followed those seniors for 20 years. The 3% who had written down their goals had accomplished more than those who hadn’t written them down.

How do you think the CEO becomes the owner of a large company?

Do you think that CEO just shows up to work every day and they promote her because of that?


The CEO had goals.

They were defined.

If you want to have a better life, goals are a big part of the answer.

So get going today. The world needs what only you can do!

1. Write your goals down on paper in present tense
2. Limit your goals to 7-10 for the year
3. Give yourself a deadline
4. Be clear and specific
5. Look at your goals daily

Music to listen to and inspire you here.

Hope this encourages you!

Vanessa Joy