Do you realize you have gifts and talents you haven’t discovered yet? There have been studies that show most people have 500-700 abilities! That’s more than you thought you had right?

Focus on what you are good at.

Become a 10 in the gift you enjoy doing the most.

Go beyond where you are today in that gift.

Instead of being ordinary, do a little extra and become extraordinary at what you do!

Separate yourself from the rest of the crowd and do what only you can do.

Start demanding more from yourself and improve a little more each day.

Put in a little extra effort than you did last week.

You can do this! Remember, the world needs what only you can do.

1. Write your goals down on paper in present tense
2. Limit your goals to 7-10 for the year
3. Give yourself a deadline
4. Be clear and specific
5. Look at your goals daily

Music to listen to and inspire you here.

Hope this encourages you!

Vanessa Joy