Replace Worry With This
There is a lot going on right now that is unsettling. The world is in turmoil. People are sick, afraid, unhappy, irritated and worried.
Too often we are rushing around, trying to get to our next destination. We are fretting about this or…

All Is Well
I had a friend text me, "All is well" one day. This friend knew I might be troubled and those words really comforted me at the time.
When you are tempted to get discouraged, remember to say the words, "all is well" out loud. It will help take the…

Speak Words of Faith
When life is going well, it's easy to speak positive words from our mouth. When adversity or trials face us, what are we saying about our situation?
Are we speaking words of faith?
When we're going through a hardship, it is at this…

Think Power Thoughts
Are your thoughts limiting you?
We become what we think about.
When things are not going our way, it's easy to have stressed out thoughts, defeating thoughts, and weak thoughts.
Thinking thoughts like, "I'll never get better." Or, "My…

This Too Shall Pass
This too shall pass.
When you are tired, you shall receive the crown of life that the Lord hath promised to them that love Him. (James 1:12)
Things will change.
This isn't forever.
Hold on.
Press on.

Sweet By And By
"By And By" is a phrase used in the bible that means "in a while" or "soon". Another phrase used often in the Bible is "In due time"
I don't know about you but I love knowing the time.
It's hard to sit and wait.
The delicate hymn…

Softly And Tenderly
We all have really busy lives. When was the last time you took a minute? Just 60 seconds to pause, breathe and do nothing?
I bet it's been a while right?
I challenge you to do it right now.
Close your eyes.
God speaks to our hearts…

His Eye Is On You
We had a storm and a little sparrow was on the side of my house, clinging carefully. I felt so sorry for this little bird, she wasn't able to fly in the strong winds that were blowing. She couldn't get back to her nest and take cover.

Achieve Goals Fast!
What do you want to achieve this year? We all have 175 days left until December 31st.
What do you want to crossed off your list?
One of the best ways to achieve goals faster is by writing them down, but write them like you've already…

Laugh More
I need to laugh more.
How about you?
It helps you to stay young and it's good for your health. It's a goal of mine.
Smiling is the first thing that needs to happen, it is the start of laughter. When we let go and let loose our laughter…

How To Know Your Talent
Do you ever wonder if you have a talent?
There is one way to know what your gift is, it’s when people say to you, “You’re super good at that.”
This is your gift.
What is your passion?
This is another way to discover your…

Remind Yourself
When you feel inadequate remind yourself:
You are a child of God
You are loved by the King of Kings
You are created in Gods image
You are here for a purpose
You are a gift
As you do the exercises in the Daily Journal on…

Your Future is Ahead of You
The past is in the past. Your future is ahead of you, it is not behind you.
Remember Lot’s wife? She looked back and became stuck.
Are you like her sometimes? I know I am.
When we continue to look at our past, we are not able…

What chapter are You on?
Have you been comparing your 1st chapter to someones final chapter?
Listen to me right now. :) You have no idea what it took for that person to get where they are today.
All that matters is your chapter.
What chapter are you writing…

Summer Salad Recipe
One of the hardest things to do while traveling and singing from place to place is to eat good.
It is one of my goals to eat well and stay healthy.
Do you want to know my favorite restaurant?
The grocery store.
I know.…

People Are Waiting On You
Did you know there are people waiting for you to accomplish your goals?
I met a man a few years back who came to my classes at BYU Education Week. He was in tears and could hardly speak. He told me how important my words and music had been…

SVI Radio Interview
Did you miss the Radio interview on SVI? I'll be performing with Marvin Goldstein in Afton, Wyoming on June 8th. Please tell your friends about it and get tickets at The Ford Theatre

Who Is Waiting On You?
I met a woman recently who hugged me and told me how much my music meant to her during the passing of her mother. In her words, "Your music brought heaven closer to me." My music impacted her life for good.
Why am I telling you this?

Talking To Yourself
What you say inside your head is MORE important than what you say to others.
The little voice inside your head is the most influential sound you will ever hear.
Successful people practice talking positively.
It takes practice! It is…

The Power Of Positive Self Talk
The power of positive self talk is real. What you say about yourself, your life, your circumstance, effects you because you are listening.
Did you know the most powerful tool you have is your tongue? Speaking positive words out loud will…

I'll Be Singing In Texas
I'll be singing in Houston, Texas this Sunday April 21, 2024 at 6:30 PM at the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints located on 505 Deseret Dr. Friendswood, TX 77546. I'll be singing many of the songs from my Sweet By and By Album. Hope…

Afton, Wyoming Performance
I’m so excited to announce that tickets for Celtic Celebration are now on sale at Salt River Arts.
On June 8th, I’ll be singing alongside pianist Marvin Goldstein for many community members of Afton, Wyoming. Get your tickets today!…

Coming to Afton, Wyoming
Hope to see you soon! I will be in Afton, Wyoming on June 8, 2024. You can get your tickets for The Celtic Celebration show in Afton, Wyoming!

Why Influential People Use A Journal
Do influential people use a journal?
Of course.
Because we forget if it isn't written down.
If we rely on our memory we won't remember.
When you hear something inspiring keep a record of it, by writing it in a journal.