"Big achievements come one small advantage at a time, one step at a time, one day at a time." -Jim Rohn
One step at a time.
As you make journaling a priority one day at a time, and it becomes a consistent part of your daily routine,…

Don't over think it! When we overcomplicate things it doesn't help us. Keep It Simple Sister! Or K.I.S.S. for short. It is my favorite reminder these days.
Keep It Simple as you look for things to be grateful for, and you will begin to notice…

Concert in Jacksonville
Hope to see you in Jacksonville, Florida at the Douglas Anderson School For the Performing Arts on September 22 @ 7:00PM For tickets go to marvingoldsteinjax.com
See you soon!
Vanessa Joy

Thank you!
Thank you for reading my emails. Thank you for staying in touch with me. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for writing me! I love hearing from you. Thank you for telling me how my music has blessed your life. I love hearing that more…

The Power of Journaling
Journaling helps you sort out your thoughts. Your amazing life becomes even better as you do the gratitude exercise in My Daily Journal on a daily basis. You will start to see changes in yourself over time.
After 21 days you will notice…

Positive Messages
Positive messages coming out of your mouth bless you. When you speak words that are encouraging, it is worth it.
It builds you up.
It keeps you motivated.
I promise it will help you to speak words that are positive.
David in the…

You can achieve it
God is everything. God is great.
Nothing you ask of Him is too big or too great.
If you believe me send me an email telling me so.
Let go of the doubts you have in your mind, so you can achieve the desires of your heart.
Eph 3:20…

Living Large
Have you ever heard the expression living large? Did you know that when we spend time recognizing the little moments in life that it can transform our lives? We can live large by appreciating the small things in our life. All around us we…

Repeat This Message
Repeat this message: "I am walking in the best season of my life."
Say this.
Believe this.
Receive this.
Pray with me for this to come to pass. Are you with me?
Positive messages are more important than you realize. Go to listen…

Performance in Newport Beach
Excited to see you in California this Friday, Saturday and Sunday August 3-6 for the Summer Conference in Newport Beach.
I use the daily journal to write down 5 things I am grateful for daily.
Have you written down your daily 5 yet?

Practicing Gratitude
Practicing gratitude is how we acknowledge that there's enough and that we're enough. - Brene Brown
Did you know that gratitude helps you feel more satisfied with life?
Did you know gratitude can help you boost your self esteem?

Pay Attention
I use the daily journal to write down 5 things I am grateful for daily.
Every time you pay attention to the things you are thankful for, it makes it easier to see the blessings you have all around you, especially when you have a hard…

Count Your Many Blessings
Name them one by one. And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.
Is that song stuck in your head yet? :)
There is so much truth in the hymn by Johnson Atman, Jr. There is actually scientific evidence behind it too. One study…

Thankful For My Country
Years ago I visited Normandy Beach with my Grandfather. It was for the 60th year anniversary of D-Day. I am so grateful for the freedom I have because of people like my grandfather who fought for me. Words really cannot express the feeling…

Do You Need A Happiness Boost?
300 adults were in counseling, one group was given a challenge to write a gratitude letter, for three weeks. After this experience they compared it to the other groups who hadn't written a letter. Twelve weeks later there was a report of being…

Gratitude Nourishes Your Mind
When we are grateful, we counteract the negative things we are facing. It helps us change our focus, and gives us a new perspective.
When we practice being thankful and develop the habit, it helps us realize and acknowledge that what we…

A Habit Worth Your Time
Gratitude shapes us and connects our lives.
It's more than just feeling happy. When you see what you already have, and you are thankful for it, you start to see and receive more.
When we appreciate what we have, we start to feel even…

Gratitude Begets Gratitude
You probably already know that being thankful makes you more thankful.
Your optimism and enthusiasm towards being grateful makes you happier as well.
A feeling of thankfulness is something you want to feel over and over again. Once…

Start Your Prayers With Thanksgiving
When we start of our prayers with gratitude, God gives us blessings.
5.6 million was spent on a project of keeping a record of gratitude in a journal at the University Of California. They had amazing results. Less anxiety was one of them.

Gratitude is the law of attraction
Gratitude is the law of attraction in action.
When you are grateful, you get more to be grateful about. Have you tried this before?
Psalm 100:4 says Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: Be thankful unto…

With Thanksgiving
Do you want more abundance?
Don't worry or be anxious about anything.
When you request something you are hoping for, thank God for that request before you receive it.
Philippians 4:6 ..."In every thing by prayer and supplication…

Be Thankful
Do you want more happiness in your life?
"Be thankful and say so to Him."
Psalm 100:4
Did you know when you express what you're grateful for it brings you more abundance? Look for what you have around you and say a grateful prayer out…

Gratitude Rocks
Do you want better sleep?
When you express gratitude over time you will have it.
Lee Brower is an amazing speaker, author and friend. Long ago he gave me a rock. I've kept it for 12 years! Every time you see, or touch the rock it…

Meditation helps!
When you take a moment to be silent, breathe, listen and be still you will create a space that will benefit you for life.
This little habit will give you direction, it will help you know and understand more clearly…