Gratitude Journals Work
Gratitude journals work!
Students at the University of California Berkley were in a study about gratitude. They spent over 5 million dollars on this research. The students were asked to keep a journal for 30 days. They had amazing results.…

Shanah Tovah - Rush Hashanah
What is Rush Hashanah? Now that I have toured Israel with a Jewish guide, I'll tell you a little about this Holiday.
This year it is celebrated on September 25.
Rush Hashanah is a celebration of the Jewish New Year. The New Year begins…

The Jordan River
A celebrity. A General. A gentile with leprosy came to this river.
The River Jordan.
He was someone who was an idol worshipper, who did not know God. He was made clean by washing 7 times, in a dirty river. He purified himself after…

Sea of Galilee...
Garden of Gethsemane...
Swimming in the Dead Sea...
Are any of these locations places you've wanted to discover and visit?
One of my very favorite places to perform in Israel was getting to sing in St. Anne's…

Tour Israel
Heading on a plane today to take a tour group with me to Israel. Have you ever been to Israel before?
We all have different perceptions, and different understandings. When you ask a child what do you think of this? They will tell you,…

Positive Declarations Work
Speaking positive declarations works!
Declarations can change your life. Here are 3 ways to give yourself positive messages each day.
1. Make sure your words are positive. Avoid any negative words. I read once that negative words…

Positive Words Make A Difference
Did you know that saying, "I will never loose weight" is just as bad as eating a whole bag of treats?
It's true.
Positive self talk is so important. Your body listens to you talk. So learn how to speak words that have positive power rather…

What You're Saying Effects You
Are you seeing the results you want?
Are you exercising and eating healthy but you are not seeing anything change? The words you speak effect your body. Does what you are saying have something to do with your health?
What is going into…

Change Your Words
You cannot live a dream-life if you are constantly and consistently consumed with feelings of inadequacy. Self doubt can really hurt you over time.
Do you feel like you are enough?
The first thing a councilor will work with you on is…

Declarations for a Positive Day
Repeat after me.
I am strong.
I am powerful.
Do you speak like this to yourself? Did you know your words are commands to your body? Everything you say matters.
EVERYTHING you say is important. Your mind and your body are connected…

The Fourth Step
God wants to give you direction for your life. God wants to give you inspired ideas that will bless your life. The last of the 4 steps to hear from God is to pray to him in the spirit.
If you are feeling depressed, anxious, confused,…

The Third Step
Thank you for taking the time to write me. I sure appreciate hearing from you about how my emails have been encouraging you in your life.
This whole month I've been talking about 4 steps to help you learn how to hear from God. When you write…

The Second Step
Do you want direction for your life? Did you know that the most successful people in the world write their dreams and goals?
Did you know that only 3 percent of Americans do this? Only 3 percent write down their dreams and goals on paper.

4 Steps To Help You
Do you know what direction you are headed? Do you know how to get to your next step in life? Do you want some help to get there? Are you expecting answers from God but not getting them?
I'd like to share 4 steps to help you to receive answers…

Do you wonder if you are hearing from God?
Do you wonder if you are hearing from God? Do you wonder if it's just your own voice talking to you? If you want to get better at hearing God's voice in your life, start writing down what you hear come up in your spirit. Say a prayer, listen…

My Sheep Hear My Voice
Do you believe this scripture in the Bible?
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them." - John 10:27
How do we know God's voice? What does that mean to you?
To me, it means I want to be counted as His Sheep and know and recognize his…

How Do You Hear Him?
Do you pray every day? I hope so.
Do you ask God questions? I hope so.
Do you know how to hear from Him?
Do you go to God in prayer expecting an answer each day? Do you have your pen and paper ready after prayer?
Do you take time…

Hear Him
There are so many things God has for you.
He wants to speak to you.
He wants you to hear Him.
One of the best ways I know how to hear God in my life, is during my journaling time each day.
In Jeremiah 30:2 God tells us to write…

Do You Journal?
How would you like hear creative ideas that produce hundreds of thousands of dollars?
How would you like to know the next step that God has for your life?
How would you like better clarity in your purpose?
All of these things (and…

Successful Habit Number 4
I've heard Jim Rohn say, "You can't hire someone else to do your push-ups for you."
Are you still with me on learning the 4 successful habits? Let's wrap up shall we?
Here are the 4 Habits successful people do.
It's easy.

Abide With Me
Listening to spiritual music, and hymns is one of my favorite ways to invite the Spirit into my home. Sacred music expresses our love for God. It helps us create a heavenly atmosphere. It helps us to feel at peace. Listen to uplifting music…

Successful Habit Number 3
Let's continue to talk about and explain the 4 successful habits.
Habit number 1 is to plan your day the night before.
Habit number 2 is to write down a list of your goals and dreams.
Habit number 3?
Speak positive words of affirmations…

Ave Maria
Have you seen the video Ave Maria? It is from the Sweet By And By album. It is the first video I ever put out on YouTube. When I was in Israel, I visited the St. Anne's Church and I was asked to spontaneously sing the song Ave Maria while…

Successful Habit Number 2
Do you have dreams in your heart? God put those dreams there for a reason. It's just that simple. He trusts that you can achieve those dreams, or they wouldn't be there.
I'm going to continue to explain the 4 successful habits.