Why We Need More Happiness In Life

When you're feeling overwhelmed with the way life is going it's sometimes hard to see the joy and happiness in your life. One of the best ways to find happiness and joy is by being grateful. Practicing gratitude helps us so much and it's…

This Can Change Your Life...

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle It's easy to be overwhelmed. If you're ready to make changes, little by little you will get what you want achieved. Did you know in America we…

One Thing At A Time

"Big achievements come one small advantage at a time, one step at a time, one day at a time." - Jim Rohn Little things are what matter. When you are overwhelmed, start with just one thing. ONE. Just one. Start by setting a short…

How To Stop Procrastination

Did you know there is a 3 letter word that helps you stop procrastination? Want to know the 3 letter word? NOW. That's the word. Did you know your time matters and the small things you do every day add up? It's in the little…

Don't Let Someone's Opinion of You Stop You

Did you know when Elvis Presley sang at the Grand Ole Opry the manager fired him? After just one performance he was told, "you ain't goin' nowhere, son." Don't let someone's opinion of you get in your way. You can do this! Want to know…

Need Help Sorting Your Thoughts?

"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny." -Gandhi Did you know journaling helps…

What Direction Are You Moving?

"The important thing is not where we STAND, but in what direction we MOVE." - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Do you know that scientific studies show that your mood can be effected by surroundings? Once you get your life, and home in order…

Simply Begin

Just the other day when I was starting to feel overloaded I came across this message, "The best way to get things done is to simply begin." It helped me so much. START. It's just that simple. Don't sit around and wait around…

Are Your Words Limiting You?

You can memorize the lyrics of a song. So why not memorize a new way of speaking? The lines you release out of your mouth need to be what you want to see happen. Use the word CHOOSE instead of the word CAN'T. Speak, "I choose". Because…

You Have A Dream For A Reason

If you have a dream is in your heart it’s there for a reason. When we are given a desire and dream and it doesn’t go away, it is because someone needs you to achieve it. When you have a dream in your heart, it was put there by God. He…

How Did We Meet Each Other?

How did we meet? Did I meet you at BYU Education Week? I'd love to meet you in person someday. If you're here let me know. If you want to achieve your dreams, Education Week is a great place to learn new insights. You can check out my  “My…

Expressing Gratitude

How a billionaire made it so big?  Well, she started by expressing her gratitude daily. You can start expecting positive things in your life when you start giving gratitude for what you have now.  Your life will start to improve…

Your Words Are Powerful

What are you saying about your future? What are you saying about your dreams? Your goals?  Even when you say it as a joke, or say something sarcastic it can harm you.  As crazy as it sounds John Lennon spoke about how he might…

Pick A Little Talk A Little

Do you think it’s okay for a few negative words to slip through every now and then? Remember the song? "Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little, cheep cheep cheep"... The women sound like hens! Do…

Speak Faith!

When you declare what you believe it will happen.    This is faith.   If you are not going to speak FAITH do not speak it at all.    Did you know the average person speaks 16 thousand words per day.…

Changing Your Thoughts Will Change Your Life

It’s not enough to quit saying negative words, you need to learn to speak new positive words out of your mouth too.  When you stop growing yourself, you start dying.  We all want to grow ourselves. Personal growth is why we’re…

Faith Comes By Hearing

Do you want your faith to grow?  Listen to God’s word.  Listen to positive messages, and inspiring  music.  "Faith comes by hearing.” This is Romans 10:17.  Every time you listen to good messages,…

What Are You Hearing Everyday?

Have you ever deliberately checked your input?  What is your mind hearing and seeing every day?  What you allow into your mind is what you will eventually see show up in your life.  Make a choice today that…

Change Negative Thoughts

Do you have negative thoughts?  One of the best ways I have found to help break the habit of negative thoughts, is to use “My Daily Journal”. This isn’t just a regular journal, it’s a book set up to help you to shift your focus…

Change Your Thoughts

When you change your thoughts, you change your whole life. One of the best exercises you can do is journaling. Gandhi said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions…

How To Focus On Your Dreams

Do you need better focus? Do you struggle to get your goals accomplished and don’t know where to start sometimes? My most recent project has been creating a daily journal. I made one for myself first and used it for several years before…

Something To Help You

Are you tired of things not working out for you?  Are you worried life will never get any better?  Do you want to know a secret that will help you?   It’s really simple.  Giving THANKS. When you begin to…

Perform With Excellence

Dreams come true when you perform with excellence day after day. Success is built upon something you do incredibly well. ALL the time, not just sometimes. The gifts God gave you are your natural skills. If you enjoy doing what you do, and…

You Gotta Have Faith Faith Faith

Did you know that praising God and thanking him in advance for what He's going to do is the highest form of using your faith?  You gotta have faith, faith, FAITH! When you look at the dreams you have in your heart and you…