Dreams And Goals
Do you dream a lot like I am in this video?
Did you set any new years resolutions?
23 percent of people have already forgotten their new years resolutions and its only been one week.
Setting and achieving goals helps you!

Happy New Year!
It's New Years Eve! Are you tired of Christmas music yet?
Funny video today singing, The First Day After Christmas. Hope you enjoy it.
More Christmas music to listen to here.
Happy New Year to you!
Vanessa Joy

Merry Christmas Eve!
It's Christmas Eve! I hope you are doing well and enjoying your family right now. O Holy Night is a beautiful song, I love singing it on Christmas Eve every year. I hope you enjoy this duet, I got to sing with JJ Rafferty and it was put together…

You Were Created To Fulfill A Purpose
You were created to fulfill a purpose. Your job is to discover what your talents are so you can share them. There are people on this earth who need you and what you do. Your talents were given to you so you can help others.
Someone is waiting…

Your Talent Is An Answer To Prayer
That dream that you keep thinking about doing?
That could be an answer to someone's prayer.
People are waiting on you to follow through.
People need you.
Your talent can deliver a message that answers prayer.

Your Gift Is For Sharing
Your gift is for sharing. People are waiting for you to share your talent with them. Your talents were given to you to share with the world. Do not keep them for yourself.
Someone is waiting for their prayer to be answered and your gift…

Merry Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Okay, I know it's early and I've heard some people don't like Christmas music BEFORE Thanksgiving, but, in Arizona, we don't see snow too often, and I put up the Christmas Tree here to help celebrate Thanksgiving.

Go Share Your Light
Do you know someone is waiting for you to share your talent so you can be the answer to their prayer?
Go share your light.
There are people waiting on you. People need you. Your gift is meaningful and needed. There are people waiting…

Can Laughter Relieve Pain?
Can Laughter Relieve Pain?
Laughter raises your tolerance for pain, and endorphins are released when you smile. This action produces a release of tension built up in the body so you feel good when you allow humor to be part of your life.

Humor Can Boost Your Immunity
Hope you are doing well.
This is the season where most of us start getting sick with the flu, and the common cold. I really hope you are healthy and staying strong. Eating good foods will keep you feeling your best, and I'll talk about that…

A Little Silliness Can Reduce Stress
A little silliness during your day can reduce stress greatly!
We all know the phrase laughter is the best medicine. I believe this statement is so true. Laughter can help us through the many trials and hardships that life brings…

SVI Radio Interview
Did you miss the Radio interview on SVI? I'll be performing with Marvin Goldstein in Afton, Wyoming on June 8th. Please tell your friends about it and get tickets at The Ford Theatre

I'll Be Singing In Texas
I'll be singing in Houston, Texas this Sunday April 21, 2024 at 6:30 PM at the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints located on 505 Deseret Dr. Friendswood, TX 77546. I'll be singing many of the songs from my Sweet By and By Album. Hope…

Afton, Wyoming Performance
I’m so excited to announce that tickets for Celtic Celebration are now on sale at Salt River Arts.
On June 8th, I’ll be singing alongside pianist Marvin Goldstein for many community members of Afton, Wyoming. Get your tickets today!…

Coming to Afton, Wyoming
Hope to see you soon! I will be in Afton, Wyoming on June 8, 2024. You can get your tickets for The Celtic Celebration show in Afton, Wyoming!

See You In Augusta
"Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God." -Leo Buscaglia
Can't wait to see you!
Sunday @ 6:30PM
835 N Belair Road
Evans, GA 30809
As you do the exercises in the Daily Journal
you will start…

Concert in Jacksonville
Hope to see you in Jacksonville, Florida at the Douglas Anderson School For the Performing Arts on September 22 @ 7:00PM For tickets go to marvingoldsteinjax.com
See you soon!
Vanessa Joy

Performance in Newport Beach
Excited to see you in California this Friday, Saturday and Sunday August 3-6 for the Summer Conference in Newport Beach.
I use the daily journal to write down 5 things I am grateful for daily.
Have you written down your daily 5 yet?

Abide With Me
Listening to spiritual music, and hymns is one of my favorite ways to invite the Spirit into my home. Sacred music expresses our love for God. It helps us create a heavenly atmosphere. It helps us to feel at peace. Listen to uplifting music…

Ave Maria
Have you seen the video Ave Maria? It is from the Sweet By And By album. It is the first video I ever put out on YouTube. When I was in Israel, I visited the St. Anne's Church and I was asked to spontaneously sing the song Ave Maria while…

Enjoy the season filled with music of the Savior
Enjoy the season filled with music of our Savior Jesus Christ. You can listen for free on Spotify, or the website, or by watching wholesome videos on my YouTube channel.
Hope this encourages you!
Vanessa Joy

Coventry Carol
Merry Christmas!
Hope you enjoy the new video Coventry Carol. It's my little Christmas gift to you.
You will find more Christmas music on my website here.
Hope this encourages you!
Vanessa Joy

Your Words Have Power
The only power the devil has over you is through your thoughts. It’s up to you to decide if you listen to them, and believe them.
Don’t let bad thoughts take root in you by believing lies. In Genesis 3:15 we learn that he can bruise…

Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us
Happy Easter to you.
I hope this new video "Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us" brings you peace and comfort during this beautiful season. If you would like to purchase the song you can visit the store here.