
My Life Flows On

Click here for the new music video "My Life Flows On". The video is a hymn from my most recent album, "Scatter Sunshine". This album has 13 hymns on it, and it is also on Spotify. You can listen to it anytime for FREE by going…

Scatter Sunshine Album

Hello my friends! Did you know my album "Scatter Sunshine" is now on Spotify? You can listen to it anytime for FREE by going right here. It has already blessed the lives of so many people. Here are just a few testimonials. I'd love…

Get your FREE album today!

Just wanted to make sure you saw my FREE album? :) Right now, my entire album "Sweet By and By" is available for you download for free right here.  It is my gift to you. It is 14 hymns of praise about our Savior Jesus…

Thank You Gift!

Thank you! I am offering you a FREE gift because I am so thankful to you. Right now I am offering my entire album "Sweet By and By" to you for FREE. This album cost me a TON of money to produce! (A lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into…

Exclusive Music Video

Happy Sunday to you! Thank you so much for following me on Spotify. If you didn't get a chance to see the Exclusive Music Video click here to sign up today and you'll not only get to see the new music video (a song…

Do you have Spotify?

Hello! Do you have a spotify account? With Spotify you can listen to music for free! It’s amazing! My music is currently being added to Spotify and my first album “Sweet By and By” will be launched this Friday, July 10th.…

Come Thou Fount

Hello! Click here to watch the new music video, "Come Thou Fount".  Did you get a chance to watch the devotional last week?  If you didn't see the devotional yet, please click here to watch it. It…

Rock Of Ages

Hello Friends! Click here for my latest music video, "Rock Of Ages" Ready to learn the best kept secret benefit of singing? First, let's talk about this pandemic. It seems never-ending doesn't it? I live…

Blessed Assurance

Hoping this brings you some peace in our troubled world. Please click here to watch "Blessed Assurance" Please share this with anyone you think would benefit from this comforting message. Much love to you, Vanessa Joy

Lead Kindly Light

Happy Sunday! Click here for my latest music video, "Lead Kindly Light".  Remember in the last newsletter I told you singing gives you benefits? I'd love to share one of those benefits with…

Scatter Sunshine

Happy Mother's Day! Click here to watch the new music video "Scatter Sunshine". What do moms do best? They scatter sunshine of course! I love my mom and this video is a gift to her. During this time of uncertainty all over the world, one…

His Eye Is On The Sparrow

Hello my friend! As you click here to watch this new music video, "His Eye is on the Sparrow" it is my hope and prayer that it brings you comfort and peace. During this time of uncertainty in the world, one thing remains certain…

The Lord Is My Light

Happy Easter! The Lord is my Light. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Your friendship and love cheer me on! You have the ability to turn this time around and use it for your benefit. The Lord reminds us that He is our…
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Mountain Spring by Vanessa Joy

"Mountain Spring" Is deep relaxation music with vocals sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Forever" It is a collection of instrumental vocals that were created to sooth your mind, body, and soul. It is used for relaxation, soothing meditation…
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Meridian Of Time by Vanessa Joy

"Meridian Of Time" is a song by Vanessa Joy on her "Forever" album. It is a collection of improvised instrumental music with ethereal vocals sung by Vanessa Joy. The vocals that were created for this album are put together to sooth your mind…
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Introspection by Vanessa Joy

"Introspection" Is meditation music improvised with ethereal vocals sung by Vanessa Joy on her album titled "Forever". The "Forever" album is a collection of instrumental music with vocals that were created to sooth your mind body and soul.…
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Sunrise by Vanessa Joy

"Sunrise" Is meditation music improvised with ethereal vocals sung by Vanessa Joy on her album titled "Forever". The "Forever" album is a collection of instrumental music with vocals that were created to sooth your mind, body, and soul. "Sunrise"…
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Autumn by Vanessa Joy

"Autumn" Is deep relaxation music improvised with ethereal vocals sung by Vanessa Joy on her album titled "Forever". The "Forever" album is a collection of instrumental music with vocals that were created to sooth your mind, body, and soul.…
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Floating by Vanessa Joy

"Floating" Is a song of deep relaxation improvised with ethereal vocals sung by Vanessa Joy on her album titled "Forever". The "Forever" album is a collection of instrumental music with vocals that were created to sooth you. "Floating" is a…
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Mystical Rain by Vanessa Joy

"Mystical Rain" Is a song of instrumental deep relaxation music with ethereal vocals sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Forever" The "Forever" album is a collection of instrumental music with vocals that were created to sooth your mind, body,…
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Atlantic Ocean by Vanessa Joy

"Atlantic Ocean" Is deep relaxation music with vocals sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Forever" It is a collection of instrumental vocals that were created to sooth your mind, body, and soul. It is used for relaxation, soothing meditation music…

His Eye Is On The Sparrow by Vanessa Joy

"His Eye Is On The Sparrow" is a hymn sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Sweet By and By" It is an album of a collection of hymns with a total of 14 songs. You can buy "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" here by purchasing the album here.…

Sweet By And By by Vanessa Joy

"Sweet By and By" by Vanessa Joy is a hymn sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Sweet By and By" It is an album of a collection of hymns with a total of 14 songs. You can listen to the song "Sweet By and By" here or you can purchase the song here or…

Savior Like A Shepherd by Vanessa Joy

"Savior Like a Shepherd" is a hymn sung by Vanessa Joy on her album "Sweet By and By" It is an album of a collection of hymns with a total of 14 songs. You can buy "Savior Like A Shepherd" by  purchasing the album here. Or you can…