She Traveled

A lot of people have asked me about my wardrobe and want to know where I get my dresses.  I wish I could tell them I shop at only one store but just like everyone else I shop around at different stores to accumulate my outfits. Believe…

Follow your dreams

Follow your dreams. Who came up with that statement? Do you have any dreams? How can you follow them if you don't know what they are? I have a statement on my wall near my computer that says, "A Person without a dream, never had a dream…

My Time To Blossom

Check out "My Time To Blossom". It's a wonderful organization for young women. They post inspiring and uplifting messages every day on their blog. It's a fantastic group! Recently I did a guest post on their blog and I offered some of my Christmas…

She Traveled

I've recently discovered this charming women's clothing shop online called I hope you check it out, tell your friends about it, and let me know what you discover. Right now through February you can receive $5.00 off your…

Meet Camille from Chickenscratchnsniff

I just recently met a really sweet girl who is dedicated to strengthening individuals and bringing good things to people. She owns the website and I find her very inspiring. I hope you'll check her website out. Camille…

Utah Valley Moms

Recently I met Kim, who is the owner of she is an incredible woman doing so much good for people in Utah. I just love the things she is sharing with moms.  Utah Valley Moms is a blog for all of those who take…

New Website

Yay! Once again we got a facelift here on the website. We hope you enjoy the new look.  We hope you'll come back often for info about where Vanessa will be performing and you'll find out what she doing backstage too.  

Jeanni Gould - New CD

  New CD Party & Performance for Jeanni Gould Date: Friday, 23 October 2015 Time: 7:00-9:00pm (Concert 7:30pm) Place: Gould Home, 2102 East Taxidea Way, Phoenix AZ 85048 Thought this looks like a lot of fun if you're in AZ…

Do you have an earworm?

YUCK! Doesn't that sound awful? Well it kinda is... if you have ever had a song stuck in your head that won't go away you have experienced an earworm. It's a funny name for the phenomenon but it actually seems to make sense. There are so many…

Oh What A Beautiful Morning

"Oh what a beautiful morning... Oh what a beautiful day… I've got a wonderful feeling, everything's going my way." (Yes that is the song in my head right now from the musical Oklahoma.) I decided to hike white mountain. Or or should I say…

Live Your Life With Music

"Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out your horn." - Charlie Parker Charlie Parker was a master saxophonist and composer. It's delightful to hear him play some of the classics like,…

Find JOY in the moment

Live in the moment. Did you know this helps with any anxiety, stress, depression, and worry? Living in the moment cures yourself of any of these problems. You see, living in the moment - in this very moment - is kinda hard to do. We all think…

When is your next visit to the Holy Land?

Come with me to Israel. Experience the Holy Land with Cruiselady tours. It will be an adventure of fun to discover this beautiful place with musical performances all over the region. We'll visit places like, Jericho, Jordan River, Ein Karem,…

Celebrate good times… Come on!

Celebrate good times! This is a time to celebrate. If you've had a good day, give yourself a pat on the back. If you've had a good week make a dinner reservation. If you've had a good month it's time to start dancing! Start looking at what you…

Mary Mary… How does your garden grow?

Really? People ask, "How do I do it all?" My answer - I don't do "it all" at once. Come on everyone superwoman doesn't exist. Or does she? I think you already know the answer. I hate to disappoint you but the secret is one little step at a time,…

The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow

I love watching the sun rise in the morning it is powerful to witness the majesty it brings to the entire earth. I love taking time out for myself to sit  by myself and reflect on who I am and what I want to become. Morning is a great…

Good Mornin… Good Mornin…

Good Morning. Are you awake? Do you wake up early? I do. It's 5AM. Nothing is open. At least not much, I understand why most people want to sleep. There's no incentive to wake up early right? Many of us have jobs we do from home, and nowhere…

July 4, 2014

I love my country... I love being free... I want to live in harmony... I hope our land will continue to stand for freedom and liberty This is my hope This is my prayer This is the beginning of a song I'll share. I'm…

Want to promote your good music?

We're starting a new blog series of a variety of different artists who are passionate about good music and want to promote themselves. If you are an artist (or know of an artist) who creates uplifting music  who wants to participate, send…


I'm so excited to present my updated website to you. What do you think about it? You can get to my website faster now (yes I know you're all checking it out every day, and you can't wait to get here) by going to (or don't worry,…


This morning my garage door was broken. BLAST! Can you believe I had to get out of my car to open the garage manually so I could drive my car? "Inconvenient!" I though to myself "I like opening my door with a button". I got out of my car to…

Once There Was a Snowman

Once there was a snowman Snowman SNOWman Once there was a snowman Tall Tall TALL In the sun he melted Melted Melted In the sun he melted Small small SMALL Written by Moisella Renstrom (this is a cute little song you can do with children…

Ding Dong Merrily on High

I got to do something very out of the ordinary this year. I got to hand deliver 3 CDs to a woman just down the street from where I was staying. (okay read on, that doesn't sound too out of the ordinary) This woman was a customer who ordered…