
This morning my garage door was broken. BLAST! Can you believe I had to get out of my car to open the garage manually so I could drive my car? "Inconvenient!" I though to myself "I like opening my door with a button". I got out of my car to…

Once There Was a Snowman

Once there was a snowman Snowman SNOWman Once there was a snowman Tall Tall TALL In the sun he melted Melted Melted In the sun he melted Small small SMALL Written by Moisella Renstrom (this is a cute little song you can do with children…

Ding Dong Merrily on High

I got to do something very out of the ordinary this year. I got to hand deliver 3 CDs to a woman just down the street from where I was staying. (okay read on, that doesn't sound too out of the ordinary) This woman was a customer who ordered…

Noel Noel

Did you know I wrote a song for Christmas on my new Album? It's called, "Noel Noel". It can be found here.  The lyrics: Sing we now of Christmas Noel sing afar Hear our praises sing we Underneath the star Noel Noel…

Great Joy!

Seeing my name everywhere is so fun this time of year. Just had to share that a really sweet friend gave me a beautiful scarf and yummy homemade chocolates ... I ate the last one today they were SO good! Good friends and good people doing nice…

Celebrating Hanukkah!

Eight Days and nights Come see the lights We will remember on Hanukkah  In days of old Stories are told We will remember on Hanukkah  What a beautiful celebration of light. A miracle of eight nights. Oil burned beyond…

Lamb of God

I am performing in the sacred work Lamb of God by Rob Gardner this weekend. PERFORMANCE DATES: 7:00 pm, Friday, November 8th 2013 7:00 pm, Saturday, November 9 2013 LOCATION: 22034 North 83rd Avenue Peoria,…

Bluegrass Festival

This is the best time of year in Arizona when things start to cool off a bit and festivals start popping up everywhere. I love arts and craft festivals and especially music festivals. There is a great festival happening if you live in Arizona…

Fan Mail

I have the best fans ever! It's so exciting to get packages in the mail from people don't you think? I have met so many amazing people through singing. I can't believe it but I've actually made some "fans" and they are so thoughtful to go the…

James A. Owen

Last night I met James A. Owen author of the best selling series, The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Georgraphica while performing for the Awards Ceremony at Writers Unite to Fight Cancer. More than a million copies of his…

Everything is better with music

Wouldn't you agree? I can't seem to do much without it. Okay I might already be preaching to the choir but I don't want to live without music in my life. I love MUSIC! Think of all the things we do with good music as our companion. Do we drive…

Softly and Tenderly

Softly and Tenderly is a song recorded on the "Sweet By and By" album by Vanessa Joy. To listen to it click here or here. Or you can purchase the album here. The lyrics and music are by Will L. Thompson. The Lyrics are below.   Softly…

Writers Unite to Fight Cancer

Excited to be teaming up with Writers Unite to Fight Cancer. I talked about it in the Beehive newspaper in December and will also be performing with them in September in Arizona.

Janice Kapp Perry

It was thrilling to sing with Janice Kapp Perry this year in her classes at BYU Education week. She is a beautiful composer who has written so many inspired pieces of music and it was an honor to be able to sing with her on one of the new songs…

BYU Campus Education Week 2013

I'm performing in classes Tuesday through Friday this week at BYU Campus Education Week. My classes begin on Wednesday at 11:10 a.m. and I will also be singing in Marvin Goldstien's classes beginning on Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. and Janice…

What a Joy!

Look what I got today! A beautiful women brought me this candy with my name on it and told me how much she had enjoyed my singing in class. It really made my day! I just want to give her a public "thank you" and also let her know it is still…

Vanessa Joy Singing with MC6

I had a great time singing at a fireside with MC6 the other night. It was so fun hearing their harmony parts. They are a group of a cappella singers and they sing fantastic hits of the 40's and 50's. Go see them when you're in Phoenix, and check…


I cannot believe it has been a year ago from today that I got to go on a tour to Italy. Getting to sing in Pompeii was short and sweet. Well, I take that back, the drive was not short and sweet, it was a long 4 hours one way! We were not able…

My Music Quote

Recently I was asked to write a paragraph about music for a book. The book is called, "Where Words Fail, Music Speaks" written by Susan Easton Black and Marvin Goldstein. Marvin told me that it was back in 1995 that he used the title in describing…


It was a great morning today! I attended a Toastmasters club meeting today and I got to give an extemporaneous speech and won an award. (Maybe they give awards to all the newbies... who knows?) I'm excited to go back. It was cool to meet so…

Piano Jewelry

Ba ba ba Bling! I found some cute jewelry recently and wanted to share my fun find with you. It was staring at me through the glass case at the Phoenix Symphony gift shop (operated in the lobby of Symphony Hall before/durring concerts) as…

Do I have albums for sale?

Yes! Just in case you are wondering where you can purchase my my music, the albums I have for sale are right here in my store. Also, the secret is out - my 3rd album is currently in progress and will be released this summer. Stay tuned…

JoyFullMusic Class

Today I got to teach a "Joy Full Music Class" in a local preschool. Joy Full Music program has specially designed curriculum with activities, music, dancing, rhythm, instrumentation singing and more. I have missed teaching young students…