Follow 3 Steps To Achieve Your Dreams

Your desire will be elevated to go after your dreams when you follow 3 steps. 1. Pray and listen - what does God want you to accomplish this year? What is He speaking to your heart about? Write them down. 2. Make a list of those ideas…

Visualize Your Dreams

Do you want to go to the next level in your life this year? You've got to see it. What does it look like to you? Where do you see your life headed? When you see it clear your vision will apear. Your dreams will begin to take shape. Write…

You can do it!

30% of people who set goals for the New Year quit after the first week. Is that you? Don't be a quitter. You were given a desire in your heart to improve in an area in your life for a reason. Don't give up! Keep going. Start again if…

Get a plan to achieve your goals this year

Do you have dreams and goals you gave up on? Things happen sometimes that we don't count on. Don't let it derail you. Get a plan to achieve your goals this year. Did you know only 8% of people who have set a New Years resolution this…

What's the secret to achieving goals faster?

What goals are you hoping to achieve this year? Do you have any of them written down? Writing your goals down on paper is one of the first steps to getting them achieved. Would you like to know the secret to achieving goals faster? Writing…

Enjoy the season filled with music of the Savior

Enjoy the season filled with music of our Savior Jesus Christ. You can listen for free on Spotify, or the website, or by watching wholesome videos on my YouTube channel. Hope this encourages you! Vanessa Joy

Coventry Carol

Merry Christmas! Hope you enjoy the new video Coventry Carol. It's my little Christmas gift to you. You will find more Christmas music on my website here. Hope this encourages you! Vanessa Joy

Use your words to change your thoughts

Did you know there are about 12,000 - 60,000 thoughts running through your head per day? Did you know that 80% of the thoughts are negative and most of them are repetitive? Your thoughts matter. Learn how to change them by focusing on positive…

God Cares About You

God cares about your mental health. He wants you to feel joy. He cares deeply about you. When you practice gratitude. You are giving God the glory. You are acknowledging God is providing for you. Practicing gratitude takes just a few minutes…

Free Gift With Purchase

Merry Christmas! Right now I'm offering my album Scatter Sunshine for FREE when you purchase my gratitude journal. Check out my daily journal and get started improving your life today. Hope this encourages you! Vanessa Joy

Finding it hard to be grateful?

Finding it hard to be grateful? It's easy to miss a lot of the things we can be grateful about, especially when we get busy, or when we are feeling overwhelmed. This is why creating and setting a time each day to count our blessings…

How to cultivate happiness

Do you feel drained of all the creativity you need to achieve the results you're wanting to see in your life? All the negativity around us can really bombard our mindset and exhaust our energy. I'd like to share the best way I know how…

What Brings You More Joy?

Last week I talked to you about what can bring you more happiness. The secret is... gratitude. We all need more of joy right now, because everywhere you look it seems it's all doom and gloom. When we are drained from negativity…

Why We Need More Happiness In Life

When you're feeling overwhelmed with the way life is going it's sometimes hard to see the joy and happiness in your life. One of the best ways to find happiness and joy is by being grateful. Practicing gratitude helps us so much and it's…

This Can Change Your Life...

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle It's easy to be overwhelmed. If you're ready to make changes, little by little you will get what you want achieved. Did you know in America we…

One Thing At A Time

"Big achievements come one small advantage at a time, one step at a time, one day at a time." - Jim Rohn Little things are what matter. When you are overwhelmed, start with just one thing. ONE. Just one. Start by setting a short…

How To Stop Procrastination

Did you know there is a 3 letter word that helps you stop procrastination? Want to know the 3 letter word? NOW. That's the word. Did you know your time matters and the small things you do every day add up? It's in the little…

Don't Let Someone's Opinion of You Stop You

Did you know when Elvis Presley sang at the Grand Ole Opry the manager fired him? After just one performance he was told, "you ain't goin' nowhere, son." Don't let someone's opinion of you get in your way. You can do this! Want to know…

Need Help Sorting Your Thoughts?

"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny." -Gandhi Did you know journaling helps…

What Direction Are You Moving?

"The important thing is not where we STAND, but in what direction we MOVE." - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Do you know that scientific studies show that your mood can be effected by surroundings? Once you get your life, and home in order…

Simply Begin

Just the other day when I was starting to feel overloaded I came across this message, "The best way to get things done is to simply begin." It helped me so much. START. It's just that simple. Don't sit around and wait around…

Are Your Words Limiting You?

You can memorize the lyrics of a song. So why not memorize a new way of speaking? The lines you release out of your mouth need to be what you want to see happen. Use the word CHOOSE instead of the word CAN'T. Speak, "I choose". Because…

You Have A Dream For A Reason

If you have a dream is in your heart it’s there for a reason. When we are given a desire and dream and it doesn’t go away, it is because someone needs you to achieve it. When you have a dream in your heart, it was put there by God. He…

How Did We Meet Each Other?

How did we meet? Did I meet you at BYU Education Week? I'd love to meet you in person someday. If you're here let me know. If you want to achieve your dreams, Education Week is a great place to learn new insights. You can check out my  “My…