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Highway 89 By BYU Radio

  Check out the podcast on BYU Radio, Highway 89 with host Steven Kapp Perry. Click here to download the podcast. Hope you enjoy it.

Vanessa Joy on the Matt Townsend Show

Click here for the show. I'm on at 78:00

Matt Townsend Show Part 2

I was on the Matt Townsend radio show yesterday. Here is a new clip (part 2) from a couple weeks ago I hope you enjoy it.

On KFNX AM Radio tomorrow

 I'm on KFNX AM Radio 1100 Saturday morning at 8 a.m. on the live talk show “SOLUTIONS by Dr Fitness”. Hope you tune in

KVEL Radio with Joni Crane

Got up really early this morning to do a Radio Show on KVEL with Joni Crane. It was great visiting with her and getting to know her better. I talked about the concert I'm doing tonight in Vernal at the middle school at 7:30 p.m. as well as other…

The Matt Townsend Radio Show


On live this morning with Jean Barton on 97.5 FM

What a fun morning. I got to talk with Jean Bartin on 95.7 FM in Show Low, AZ! I'll be in Eager, AZ today doing a Masters class for the middle school and tonight at the Round Valley High School.

BYU Radio

I'm on BYU radio with Matt Townsend at 3:00 p.m. You can listen here. I'm a guest on his show about the power of music in families. Hope you tune in to hear it! I've got lots to say on this subject so I'm excited.

Doug Wright Show

It was so cool to meet Doug Wright. I loved being on his show in Salt Lake City, Utah. He is a great interviewer and made me sound like a pro! Click here to listen to the live interview.

RadioActive with Steve Mitton

Listen to the radio interview I did with Steve in Burley, ID.

Everything Creative - Radio Broadcast

Listen to the interview on "Everything Creative" with me and Marvin Goldstein.

YourLDSRadio Interview

Listen to my interview on YourLDSRadio, which showcases a few of my songs.    

KOSY 106.5 Radio Introduction of Vanessa Joy on "Sounds of the Sabbath"

I answer questions about where I am from, what I did at the recent education week, and more...