Entertain Ephesus I sang in the amphitheater behind me in this picture is in Ephesus. The estimated seating capacity is 44,000 and is believed to be the largest outdoor theatre in the ancient world. It was cool to have a chance to sing in this arena. June 19, 2012/by Vanessa Joy https://www.vanessajoy.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/47359a90eed3ee35f2dab5a3c718abb3_XL.jpg 1350 900 Vanessa Joy https://www.vanessajoy.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/VanessaJoy-Gold-300x117.png Vanessa Joy2012-06-19 12:11:292015-11-24 19:11:17Ephesus