It has been wonderful to hear how you are using the hymns in your life. Thank you for sharing your stories with me.

You can start listening daily in your prayer time by going here to listen for free. (I’d love it if you sing along with me too!)

Did you know Jesus sang the hymns? “And when they had sung a hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives.” -Matthew 26:30

Does singing hymns in your prayer time really help you to succeed?

All I know is…

“I love singing along with you Vanessa. Your music is delightful and helps me feel good every morning.” -Eliza B. 

Eliza is seeing success because she puts God first and spends time in prayer.

God wants you to have success too. He wants to awaken the dreams in your heart.

God will open doors for you in your life – especially when you include Him in it. Just a few minutes a day is all it takes to let Him in. Set your timer for 5 minutes and go! It is better than zero minutes. 

Will you commit to praying regularly? If you do not feel like praying, just put on a hymn and listen to it – that counts! Hymns give us the words we want to say to God, especially when we’re not feeling up to it.

Will using hymns brighten and lighten your load?

All I know is…

What I read in an email today, “Vanessa your lovely voice is inspiring and prompts a sense of gratitude in the hearts of those of us who listen.” – Ken N. 

Much love to you,
