Are you a level ten at what you do?
What are you naturally good at?
You may think, it’s no big deal what you’re able to do naturally, but people pay money for your natural ability.
You have talents and gifts that only you can do, and people are waiting for you to fulfill your purpose.
Become a 10 in the gift you enjoy doing the most.
Go beyond where you are today in that gift. Work a little extra, and you’ll be extraordinary at your talent.
Separate yourself from the rest of the crowd and put in extra effort at what comes naturally for you.
People are waiting to pay you for your talent.
Get started today.
1. Write your goals down on paper in present tense
2. Limit your goals to 7-10 for the year
3. Give yourself a deadline
4. Be clear and specific
5. Look at your goals daily
Music to listen to and inspire you here.
Hope this encourages you!
Vanessa Joy