I soloed with the Choir and Orchestra at St. Andreas Church in Nesselwang, Germany. I have been looking forward to doing this for many years and I was so excited it finally happened. The acoustics were beautiful and the entire performance was thrilling. I enjoyed meeting other musicians and getting to know them. Everyone was so warm and friendly and it felt like they were family. It was an event that warmed my heart and I will treasure for my entire life. I loved the time I was able to spend in this part of the world and hope to continue collaborating with them in the future.
It was 20 degrees in this church during the performance. We all kept our coats on and my fingers lost feeling after a while and it was hard to turn pages. I had a large wool sweater over my dress and a coat, plus underneath my dress I wore warm boots and nylons and sweat pants!!! I was still freezing…. I could see my breath as I sang out. I cannot believe how cold it was, it is a bit hard to control your vibrato when you are that shivery cold but it all turned out beautiful. In the pictures below I am warming my hands on a electric heater upstairs by the organ, and then again you can see I had a second coat and mittens on while waiting for my turn to sing. Burrrrrrr…..