There is a lot going on right now that is unsettling. The world is in turmoil. People are sick, afraid, unhappy, irritated and worried.

Too often we are rushing around, trying to get to our next destination. We are fretting about this or that. We can hardly focus sometimes.

When we pause and remember we have the most powerful God, and when we speak out loud the words,

“All Is Well”

That small statement replaces the worry and the feelings of hopelessness within us.

When peace fills our soul, we feel comforted.

When you are tempted to get discouraged, remember to say the words, “all is well” out loud. It will help take the stress out of your life.

When you realize God is watching over you and that He will make things happen that you could never make happen – All is well.

You might be having a hard day. You might be stressed, discouraged, or not able to see how things will work out. Declare the words, All is well.

It brings peace to speak faith filled words out of your mouth.

We become what we speak about. Learn to speak words of faith until it lines up with your life.

Have you listened to the faith declarations online? They are only one dollar. I hope you will pause watch this video and take time out of your busy life to listen to the song. It will uplift you. Did you know my album is also on Spotify?

Hope this encourages you!

Vanessa Joy