My Daily Journal is an addictive book. It is the beginning point for everything you want to become and everything God intends for you to be. It is a journal that helps you to sort out your thoughts. Your thoughts are vital to your destiny! Your thoughts become your words. Words have power over your life. Your journaling time does not need to take more than five minutes per day and yet it has the potential to impact your entire life. Using this journal regularly is an effective way for you to see progress and positive results in your life. Your happiness will increase as you learn how to shift your thinking, and begin to look at things with a grateful heart. As you are consistent with your journal writing, you will dramatically shift your focus to a new mindset. Learn how to use your words both effectively and positively. Your good habits are an important part of your life. Vanessa has broken down your daily morning and evening routine into simple easy steps that will help you grow, and reap the benefits that come from journaling. As you reflect during your prayer time each day you will practice increased gratitude. When you take the action steps outlined in this workbook, you will invest in yourself with self-love activities, declarations, and setting your goals for the day. You will attract the right outlook to pursue your dreams. My Daily Journal is a great way to begin and end your day!