The Latest News from Vanessa Joy
Proud to be an American
I got to sing "God Bless the USA" last night. You can pretend like you were in the audience (if you want) and listen to me sing right here.
Modesta y Elegante Vanessa Joy
A great fashoin blog post found here for your reading pleasure entitled "Modesty and Elegant Vanessa Joy" by Dani Guzzo.
"Marvin Goldstein, Vanessa Joy y elenco del Concierto de Navidad en Concepcion" by Alondra Friz P.
Publication December 12, 2014 by Alondra Friz P.
CONCEPCION, Chile - If Conception not going to Santiago, Santiago comes to Concepción, and it was. The cast of the traditional Christmas Concert at Temple of Santiago de Chile, along with…
Vanessa Joy - O Holy Night 3TV
Concert in Concepción, Chile
"Nunca he visto nad igual" by Yamil Inostroza
Publication December 10, 2014
Thanks to Amanda Gallegos, kazandra Gamiño and Ly-ann Ayala for his contribution to this article.
SANTIAGO, Chile - On Sunday, July recent month at the San Miguel Stake Center, the production team and artists…