Did you know you can program your own GPS? It is very powerful when you write down your goals on paper. Start to write down your thoughts in your journal.

When you start writing down your dreams and goals on paper, your chance of success goes up 42%.

That’s a lot!

Your personal GPS gets programed when you write down what you want to achieve, because now you have a starting point and a place to go.

Write it down.

The more clear you get with your goals, the better chance you have to get it. Do you have a journal? Grab your favorite pen and get going.

Let me know what you discover. I’d love to hear from you.

I hope you will take time out of your busy life to listen to the music on the website. It will help you focus and get clear on what God wants for you to do. Did you know my music is also on Spotify?

Hope this encourages you!

Vanessa Joy